We design and mana­ge cul­tu­ral events -
indoors, out­doors and on the net

  • from the first idea to the big show
  • from plan­ning to final imple­men­ta­ti­on in full service
  • from pro­gram deve­lo­p­ment to rese­arch and implementation
  • from the search for exci­ting loca­ti­ons to pla­ce­ment on the Internet

We arran­ge exci­ting encounters -
in ana­log and digi­tal space

  • we media­te cont­acts in the world of lite­ra­tu­re, art, sci­ence and music
  • we find the right spea­k­ers for a topic
  • we crea­te the dis­cur­si­ve frame­work in which ever­yo­ne invol­ved feels comfortable
  • we orga­ni­ze the small fes­ti­val as pas­sio­na­te­ly as the lar­ger congress

We pro­du­ce fasci­na­ting stories -
sent, strea­med, pos­ted or printed

  • Live strea­ming in TV broad­cast quality
  • Audio & pod­cast production
  • Image vide­os – emo­tio­nal and tailor-made
  • Cul­tu­ral web­sites – for cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re and for cul­tu­ral companies
  • Press and public rela­ti­ons – ana­log, digi­tal, multimedia
  • Print: pro­grams, image bro­chu­res, fly­ers – ever­y­thing you can touch